Eddie & Morgan Ask the Show Medical Advice

Morgan and Eddie had some medical questions and they wanted advice from the Bobby Bones Show and Doctor Bobby Bones.

Morgan thinks she got bitten by a spider and is concerned. It’s at the top of her leg and it looks like a mosquito bite, but it is hard and has pus in it. It itches all the time and is extremely uncomfortable. Morgan showed a picture of it to everyone and they shared what they think it might be, but no one could really tell. Eddie thinks it might be a staph infection because he’s had 15 in his lifetime that he’s had to be treated for. The last time he had one was about 20 years ago and he had to spend three weeks at the Duke Hospital for it. The show's advice was to keep an eye on it and circle it to see if it starts growing bigger.  

Eddie also shared a medical problem he’s having. A few weeks ago, he got a double root canal, and they told him he had a temporary filling and had to come back in 30 days to fill it permanently. When he called to schedule the appointment, he was told it would cost $1,100 for each filling! He was informed that his insurance won’t cover it because he overused it on his root canals. Everyone on the show thought that didn’t sound right and he needs to double check because he might be reading it wrong. He’s not sure if he needs to get the permanent filling done, but he knows it will get worse and cost more if he pushes it off.  

Amy informed him he needs to start taking money from his paycheck and put it in his HSA because then he will have a company credit card to use when he goes to the doctor! He’s going to look into that as well as his insurance plan.  

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