Amy & Eddie Share the Favorite Ages of Their Kids

Kids start to change the most at age 12 because of hormones, and it’s called ‘the 12th year change.’ Amy and Eddie both have kids who have turned 12 and they noticed they started to change at that age. When Eddie’s son turned 12, he went from being a silly little kid to a nervous teenager.  

Amy and Eddie shared what the favorite age of their kids were because it was the most fun!  

  • Amy – Stevenson was 7 and Stachira was 11 when she adopted them from Haiti, so she doesn’t know any younger. The years she’s been with them she’s really loving where they are right now. Stevenson is turning 14 and Stachira’s turning 17 and she loves their personalities and being able to have real conversations with them.  
  • Eddie – 8 or 9 years old, around the time they were in third grade. He liked that age the best because they were cooperative and funny and had personalities, but they weren't teenagers yet trying to rebel.

Middle School was when they both noticed helping their kids with their homework became harder. Especially since they teach it in different ways now than from Amy and Eddie learned.

Members of the show also shared the top things they wished they had been taught in school:  

  • Bobby Bones – Money and how to save, invest and other financial terms.  
  • Amy – Mental health and having a better understanding on feelings and emotions.  
  • Eddie – Parenting classes.  
  • Lunchbox – Entrepreneurship to learn how to set up shop and run businesses.  

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